What are the benefits of jumping on a trampoline?

What are the benefits of jumping on a trampoline?

At a time when the pace of life is accelerating, people are looking for a good way to release stress, so trampolines are gradually becoming a choice for many people. Trampolines are not just a simple entertainment, but also a whole-body exercise. The benefits they bring are diverse. It can not only help you exercise and strengthen your body to achieve the goal of weight loss, but also make people happy. Below I will give you a detailed introduction to the benefits of trampoline workout.


1. Improve cardiovascular health


When jumping on a trampoline, the body's oxygen demand increases. To meet this demand, the heart will speed up the beating frequency, increase the contraction force, and pump more blood to various tissues and organs throughout the body. With long-term persistence, the heart muscles will become more developed, and the amount of blood pumped each time will also increase, thereby improving the heart's pumping function and making the heart work more powerfully and efficiently. During the jumping process, the human body's breathing rate accelerates, and the lungs need to exchange gases more quickly to absorb more oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. This will make the alveoli in the lungs in the human body more fully utilized, increase vital capacity, and improve the ventilation and gas exchange function of the lungs, making the respiratory system healthier and more adaptable to high-intensity exercise and physical needs.
Trampoline exercise can make muscles contract and relax rhythmically, just like a "pump", helping to push blood back to the heart, speed up blood circulation, and bring metabolic waste and carbon dioxide back to organs such as the lungs and kidneys in time to excrete them from the body, maintaining the stability of the body's internal environment. Regular trampoline exercise can enhance the cardiovascular system's tolerance to various stress factors. When facing stimuli such as tension, anxiety, and cold, the cardiovascular system will not overreact, such as excessive blood pressure and excessive heart rate, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease caused by excessive stress response.


2. Improve athletic ability


When jumping on a trampoline, people's muscles need to contract and relax quickly. When the feet touch the surface of the trampoline, the muscles first contract eccentrically, and then quickly turn to concentric contraction, generating greater force output, thereby exercising muscle strength. The elastic properties of the trampoline allow energy to be stored and released during the jumping process, gaining extra strength at each jump, increasing the height and distance of the jump, which requires the player's body to have higher explosive power to control and coordinate movements, thereby constantly challenging the player's muscle strength and further enhancing explosive power. The surface of a trampoline is unstable, and jumping on it requires constant adjustment of the body's posture and center of gravity to maintain balance. This requires all parts of the body, including the upper limbs, lower limbs and core, to work together and quickly respond to changes in the body's position.
The jumping action in trampoline exercise can fully stretch and contract the body's joints and muscles, playing a role in dynamic stretching. During trampoline exercise, the body is in a relatively relaxed and pleasant state, in which the muscles are more likely to relax. In the intervals between jumps, the muscles can get a short rest and relaxation. At the same time, due to the elastic effect of the trampoline, the muscles will be assisted by a certain external force when stretching, so that the muscles can be stretched longer.


benefits of exercising on a trampoline


3. Helps to lose weight


Trampoline exercise is a whole-body exercise. During the jumping process, you need to mobilize muscles in multiple parts of the body to maintain the balance and stability of the body and complete the jumping action in coordination. Compared with some local exercises, the participation of whole-body muscles means more energy consumption and can burn calories faster. When jumping on a trampoline, your body needs to constantly overcome gravity to jump up and then fall down. During this process, the muscles need to continuously exert force to fight gravity, which increases the energy consumption of trampoline exercise per unit time, thereby helping to accelerate fat burning and achieve the effect of weight loss.
After the trampoline exercise, the body's metabolism will not immediately return to the level before exercise, but will remain at a high level for a period of time. This is the EPOC stage. During EPOC, the human body will continue to consume oxygen to restore the energy substances consumed during exercise, repair damaged muscle tissue, etc., thereby continuously consuming calories. The intensity of trampoline exercise can be adjusted according to personal physical condition and athletic ability. Whether it is young or middle-aged and elderly people, sports novices or people with a certain sports foundation, they can find a suitable exercise method and intensity on the trampoline. This wide adaptability enables more people to achieve the goal of losing weight and burning calories through trampoline exercise.


4. Develop balance and coordination skills


When jumping on a trampoline, the body is constantly changing. The moment your feet touch the trampoline and in the air, the muscles of various parts of the body and the vestibular system in the inner ear will continuously transmit information about the body's position, posture and movement state to the brain, and the brain will quickly make adjustments based on this information. The elasticity of the trampoline causes the body's center of gravity to change constantly. You need to quickly sense the movement of the center of gravity and make corresponding adjustments. When you jump high or do some complex movements, your center of gravity may shift. You need to adjust your body posture in time through the strength of your legs, waist and abdominal muscles to stabilize the center of gravity above the support point to maintain balance, which will help enhance your ability to control the center of gravity.
When exercising on a trampoline, your eyes need to constantly observe the surrounding environment and the position of your body to provide visual information to the brain to help judge the body's movement state and spatial position. The brain adjusts body movements based on visual information to make movements more accurate and coordinated. By repeatedly practicing these coherent movements, the body's neuromuscular system will gradually form a fixed movement pattern, making the connection between movements more natural and coordinated, and improving the overall movement coordination ability.


jumping on a trampoline



5. Enhance self-confidence


Trampoline exercise is challenging. When you jump on it, you need to overcome the fear of height and instability. When people stand on the trampoline for the first time, they may be afraid because they are not familiar with its elasticity and movement. However, with continuous attempts, they gradually master the jumping skills and can perform various movements on the trampoline. Every time they overcome fear and make progress, they will have a sense of accomplishment in their hearts, thereby enhancing their confidence in their own abilities.
Jumping on a trampoline is a good way to relieve stress. When people jump on the trampoline, the body will secrete neurotransmitters such as endorphins. These substances can help people relieve negative emotions such as stress, anxiety and depression, making the mood more pleasant and relaxed. When the mental state is improved, people will face various challenges in life with a more positive attitude, thereby enhancing self-confidence.
Trampoline exercise requires people to constantly pay attention to their physical movements and mental state. In this process, people can better understand their own strengths and potential. This positive cognition of self will make people believe in themselves more and have more courage to try and challenge when facing difficulties in life and work.


6. Makes people feel happy


When jumping on a trampoline, the human body will prompt the brain to secrete a variety of neurotransmitters and hormones. Among them, endorphins are called "happy hormones". They can bind to receptors in the brain to help relax the body, reduce stress, and produce a sense of pleasure and satisfaction. At the same time, dopamine will also increase during exercise, which can bring excitement and pleasure, making people feel better. Trampoline exercise can promote the secretion of serotonin and keep it at a suitable level, which helps to improve mood, relieve negative emotions such as anxiety and depression, and make people feel calm and happy.
When jumping on a trampoline, people can release the stress and troubles in life through physical exercise. During the jumping process, your attention will shift from the daily stress source to the exercise itself, allowing the brain to relax and rest, thereby gaining a happy mood.


The above are the benefits that jumping on a trampoline can bring to adult. It has a significant advantages  on people's physical and mental development. It can not only help lose weight, but also relieve stress and maintain mental health.