How to purchase used play equipment

purchase used play equipment

Children need to play outdoors regularly to release their energy, strengthen their bodies, and improve their motor skills. Playground equipment is popular, and if you are on a tight budget, buying used equipment is the best option. But you have to know how to choose used equipment. I have compiled some useful tips for buying used playground equipment.

Every playground equipment must be tested for safety to ensure the safety of visitors. So when you buy used playground equipment, you must consider safety, equipment quality and other related aspects. Determine your purchase needs, such as used playground slides, and make your own budget. 

It is recommended to choose local reliable suppliers, which is very helpful in finding the most suitable facilities for children. Suppliers can provide high-quality and affordable second-hand playground equipment.


used playground slides


Supplier Selection

Look for several used playground equipment suppliers online. Try to choose large companies, read their web reviews, and check their past history.

Check the quality of the equipment

Go to the supplier to select used commercial playground equipment. Check whether the equipment they sell is sturdy and durable. Does it have rust or signs of rust? Is there any visible wear and tear? These are important to ensure that children can play safely on the equipment.

Check the quality of equipment materials

The materials used in the playground equipment you choose to buy must meet standard requirements and be durable, child-friendly, non-toxic and safe.

Seek professional advice

Send photos of the equipment you choose to buy to the security consultant. Ask them to inspect the equipment you want to buy. The security consultant will report to you the value of the equipment through inspection and evaluation, and whether it is recommended to buy it.

Check the quality of the equipment

Benefits of Buying Used Playground Equipment

Buying used playground equipment is an excellent choice for individuals or businesses with limited budgets. When you choose used instead of new equipment, the purchase cost is low. You can save a lot of money, which can be used to purchase other products, enter the market quickly, and realize profits.


Disadvantages of Buying Used Playground Equipment

When buying second-hand playground equipment, you may need to replace worn parts and service the equipment. This can take time. It is important to ensure that the equipment you choose to buy is up to standard. Guidelines and regulations for playground equipment need to be updated frequently.




When buying second-hand equipment, you need to carefully select equipment that complies with regulations and is reasonably priced. These important tips can help you choose second-hand equipment with high cost performance. Now that you understand the key points of buying second-hand equipment, go ahead and choose the product that suits you.