20 Playground Games or Activities to Build Teamwork

20 Playground Games or Activities to Build Teamwork

Through team games, kids or youth or adults can learn how to communicate, cooperate and share with others. These social skills are very important for them in school and future work. By good team buliding games or activities, each child has his or her own role and tasks. They need to learn to take responsibility and understand how their behavior affects the overall success of the team. Teamwork requires children to face and solve problems together. Through the collision of different views and exercises, mumbers can find more effective solutions. The success and recognition in the  permainan team work can enhance children's self-confidence and self-esteem. At the same time, the experience of failure can also enable them to learn to face setbacks and improve themselves. Therefore, working and interacting with peers, children will be inspired by different ideas and stimulate more creativity and imagination. Nowadays, the playground industry has developed greatly. Both indoor and outdoor playgrounds are popular with children. So which fun playground games can improve teamwork ability?


Invincible Hot Wheels


Project type: Group teamwork competition

Props required: Newspaper, tape

Venue required: Large open venue

Game time: About 10 minutes

How to play: Divide members into groups and use items that can be found around them, such as newspapers, to make a large ring. All members work together to roll the ring while walking.

Purpose: To make team members more united and cooperative, learn to overcome team difficulties, and let everyone learn to trust each other.

Trust Backfall


Game Introduction: This is a classic expansion project. Everyone jumps vertically from the platform, and the team members cooperate to protect the team members who jump down with their hands.

Number of players: 12-16

Venue requirements: high platform

Required equipment: hand rope

Game time: about 30 minutes

How to play: Team members stand on the high platform in turn, with their hands tied, and fall backwards upright into the arms of their teammates below.

Purpose: To make team members trust each other more, improve everyone's communication skills, let everyone learn to think from other people's perspectives, and enhance everyone's sense of responsibility.

Eyebrow-level stick


Game introduction: All members are divided into two teams, standing facing each other, and put a stick on the ground with their fingers together. If the hand leaves the stick, it means failure.

Number of players: 10-15

Venue requirements: open venue

Required equipment: 3-meter-long light stick

Game time: about 30 minutes

How to play: Team members use their fingers to put a 3-meter-long light stick on the ground. Everyone's fingers must not leave the stick. Once someone's fingers leave the stick, the game fails.

Purpose: Learn to do your own tasks well, do not affect the team, do not let the team get into trouble because of your own mistakes, and complete the team's tasks through your own efforts and cooperation.

Post Station Letter


Game type: team collaboration type

Game purpose: To let students understand the importance of communication in achieving goals.

Game introduction: Every one line up in a row, each person is equivalent to a post station. The guide will give a note with a number to the last member. Everyone must cooperate to pass the number to the previous member. The last member will write the number he or she got on the note and give it to the guide.

Game rules:

After the project starts, you cannot talk.

You cannot look back.

Any part of the partner behind cannot exceed the shoulder seam cross-section and infinite extension surface of the person in front (the front and back standards should be referenced to an object in the front, such as a whiteboard ).

When the team member in front receives the information, he or she should immediately inform the instructor and pass the information to the instructor.The timing will be the end time at the moment of raising his hand.

In the second round, Add a new principle to the original game rules: no physical objects can be used.

In the third round, Keep the original rules, but mumbers neet to sit on the ground and cannot move。

In the fourth round, the above rules are maintained, but the method cannot be used and the person cannot move while sitting on the ground.

Blind square


Project type: teamwork type

Prop requirements: a long rope

Venue requirements: a large open venue

Detailed game rules: let all team members be blindfolded, and within forty minutes, pull a rope into the largest square, and all team members must be evenly divided on the four sides.

Purpose: To make all members understand the importance of teamwork. In many cases, it is impossible to complete the task successfully by working alone.

Sit up


Project type: Teamwork bonding type

Props requirements: No other props are required

Venue requirements: An open space

Project time: 20 minutes-30 minutes

How to play: Four people are required to form a circle and sit on the ground back to back; stand up without using hands; then increase the number of people in turn, 2 each time until 10 people. In this process, the staff should guide persistence, because success is often just a little more persistence.

Purpose: This task reflects the cooperation between team members and let everyone understand the importance of cooperation.

Untie the bracelet


Activity purpose: Let students experience the power and happiness of teamwork; in the game, students feel the relationship between individuals and the collective, experience the trust and responsibility of individuals to the team, and exercise the communication, execution and leadership of the team.

Activity procedure:

Divide the whole class into several groups, each with 10-12 people. Let each group stand in a circle holding hands and remember who they hold with their left and right hands.

Let everyone let go of their hands and walk around at will. After the order is disrupted, the host calls a stop and finds the people who originally held their left and right hands and holds them separately.

All participants in the group hold hands with each other, forming an intricate "bracelet". The host asks everyone to untie the staggered "bracelet" into a large circle in any way without loosening their hands.

Note: Emphasize remembering who holds your left and right hands, and don't make a mistake; when the "bracelet" is very complicated and someone wants to give up, the host should hint and encourage, and the "bracelet" can definitely be untied.


Human chair

Game type: team game

Game purpose: Experience team spirit from this game, requiring everyone in the team to fully contribute their strength, and not to have any laziness or sloppy thinking.

Game rules and procedures:

All students should form a circle, and each student should put his hand on the shoulder of the student in front of him.

Follow the trainer's instructions, and then each student should slowly sit on the thigh of the student behind him.

After sitting down, the trainer can shout out the corresponding slogans, such as working together and moving forward courageously.

It can be carried out in the form of group competition to see which group can last longer. The winning group can ask the losing group to perform a show.

Squirrels and trees

Activity purpose: Let students experience the cruelty of competition and elimination in the game, feel the power of cooperation; open up students' thinking mode, and experience the joy of win-win in competition.

Game time: 5-10 minutes

Game rules: Divide into groups in advance, three people in a group. Two people play the big tree, facing each other, holding each other's hands, and forming a circle; one person plays the squirrel and stands in the middle of the circle; students who are not paired act as squirrels.

The host gives the commands, there are three commands:

The first command: the host shouts "squirrel", the tree does not move, the person playing the "squirrel" must leave the original tree and choose another tree. The lone squirrel must perform.

The second command: the host shouts "tree", the squirrel does not move, the person playing the "tree" must leave the original squirrel and circle the new squirrel. The lone tree must perform.

The third command: the host shouts "the storm is coming", the people playing the tree and squirrel are all dispersed and regrouped, the person playing the tree can be a squirrel, the squirrel can also be a tree, the lone person must perform.

Multi-directional tug of war


Gameplay: Before the game starts, each team is ready according to the specified number of participants. After hearing the signal, the game starts. The contestants of several teams exert their strength at the same time. The team that pulls the winning mark on its rope across its winning line wins.

Purpose: Consistent goals, goal decomposition and motivation from this versus team games; need clever thinking, win by wisdom; work together, think in the same direction, work in the same direction; reasonable division of labor, put the right people in the right positions.

Bravely enter the mine array

Gameplay: Randomly place "mines" in the designated area. You can be divided into two groups to compete. One person in each pair of partners must close his eyes or wear a blindfold. The group that passes smoothly without stepping on the "mines" wins. The difficult version of the game cannot be directed verbally, and can only be discussed in advance, and the walking route can be directed by tapping the body part of the partner with closed eyes.

Step on the bungee

Gameplay: First, put on goggles and a helmet, install the air pipe on the foot pump, tie the foot with a strap, install the balloon on the helmet outlet, and tie it with a rubber band. After the game starts, inflate the balloon on the head by stepping on the air pump. Whoever inflates the balloon first is the winner. You can also play by timing.

Dryland Curling


Gameplay: Dryland curling is a throwing competition on a smooth surface conducted by teams. The goal of winning is achieved by stopping the dryland curling ball of the team at a pre-set position or knocking out the opponent's dryland curling ball.

Balloon Battle


Gameplay: Divide the contestants into two teams of equal number of people and disperse them in a specified area. After the start order, the players of both teams, under the premise of protecting their own balloons from being stepped on by the opponent, try every means to step on the balloons of the opponent players within the specified time and specified area. The team with the most remaining (unstepped) balloons wins.

Coming at you

Gameplay: The players participating in the game must complete the flour transfer on the acupressure board. The tool for transfer is the cardboard held in the mouth, and the flour is transferred to the measuring cup in turn. The team that transfers the most flour wins.

Back-to-the-basket throw

How to play: A team member stands facing a certain direction, looking forward without looking back. When the timer starts, the team member throws the ball behind him, and the other team members instruct him on how to adjust the strength and direction of the throw to score. The team with the shortest time wins.

High-altitude egg throw

How to play: Team members work together to make a device to protect the eggs, and then throw the eggs from a high place. The device must ensure that the eggs do not break. By designing different devices, you can compare which team has the best eggs.


Back-to-the-basket throw


How to play: Each team works together to build a tower with bricks using a transport vehicle with many ropes tied to it. Finally, the ranking is based on the time taken.

The power of breathing

How to play: Divide the team members into three groups: leadership, command, and execution. The leadership group and the command group communicate verbally in the specified area. The leadership group puts forward specific requirements, and the command group directs the execution group to build a "ventilator" that meets the requirements, then tests the instrument, and finally blows up the balloon.

Fetching water in a minefield

How to play: There is a water source in the middle of the minefield. You need to get life-saving water for all team members without touching the ground using only one rope. Team members need to think and collaborate together to find a way to complete the task of fetching water.

These games and activities can help team members enhance communication, collaboration and trust, strengthen team cohesion and accept more challenges. In the process of everyone playing games, organizers should ensure the safety of participants, select appropriate game projects according to the actual situation and characteristics of the team, and encourage team members to actively participate, give full play to their creativity, and enjoy the fun brought by the game and the effect of team building together.